For some people, losing possibilities or choices in their lives, or having a heartfelt acceptance of fate, can be quite distasteful. It is best to always be in a state with infinite opportunities. Otherwise, surprisingly, they feel unsafe.
For example, student period, internship, freelancer, a romantic relationship, living in a foreign country, etc. Some people are naturally fascinated by these states. On the other hand, ending something, settling down, or living with certainty sounds scary. It comes with inevitable responsibilities, boredom, and risks, like marrying someone or signing a long-term contract. Responsibility usually at first, implies “troubles” and a lack of freedom in their eyes. Well, it is true if we look at it from a certain angle, which of course, leads to an unhappy life in the end.
On the contrary, if you don’t get on board, you won’t capsize. A traveler or a browser is always easier to quit, so they are less likely to be trapped. Economically speaking, they hold less sunk costs. They feel safe, free, lucky, energetic, and promising, at least in their own eyes.
I was one of them.
Later I realized that although we won’t be deeply bothered, we cannot be deeply satisfied. We are unlikely to experience the sweetest tastes of life. Because there is a lack of genuine passion to develop something profoundly meaningful, be it a career, a life-long hobby, or a relationship. Ashamedly but honestly, I used to be jealous of those who sincerely accept and embrace what they do, where they are, and who they are being with. I know, they must have had true suffering because of it, but interestingly, I want that part too.
So it is not to say we should not have a period of being a student, being in a no-commitment relationship, or being a world traveler. Some of them are also essential ingredients of a colorful life. However, there is a next stage after that. Being deeply rooted in life is the most efficient way to conquer happiness, at least, a memorable life. These are what I learned over the past years. I want to keep reminding the present and future me in case forget.
Have a good night.